jueves, 11 de abril de 2019

Blog Post 2: 4 Opinions

1.-What is your opinion about immigration?

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I think that immigration is important for increase the cultural diversity in a country, as well as it help to reduce the racism and xenophobia and help know other reality. I think too that always have to respect a people independently of your country or nacionality because we don´t know when we may need them or their country. 

2.- What is your opinion about having an exotic pet at home?

I disagree, because I think that exotic animals shouldn´t be pets, they have a specific habitat and without those special conditions they would not live in a good way. Besides many times exotic animals adquired of ilegal form and it is a crime.

3.-  What is your opinion about recycling?

I agree. I think that recycling is the good option for reduce the contamination in the city or anyone part of country or world. It´s an easy way to be friendly with the planet and teach people to reuse materials like glass, paper, plastic. tins or carton.

4.-What is your opinión about legalization of abortion in the 3 cases?

I completely agree in case of sexual abuse of minors girls or womans, because it wouldn´t be fair to have an unwanted child, as well as childs would remind them of a traumatic episode in their lives. I think that in general abortion should be free and legal for all woman, since it is a totally personal decision. 

jueves, 4 de abril de 2019

Blog Post N°1 My Autobiography

Fernanda Verdugo Espinoza was born in Santiago, Chile. At elementary school, she studied at colegio Santa María de Maipú in Maipú, Santiago. She graduated from school in 2014.

Fernanda studied Veterinary Medicine at University of Chile. Entry in faculty of Veterinary in 2019 and will finish their studies in 2023 or 2024 approximately. She works in the International Airport  Arturo Merino Benitez on the weekends. Her hobby is take pictures to animals in your natural environtment.

Fernanda lives with his family in Pudahuel. Family consists of her mother, father, sister, niece who is 8 years old and her pets named Pepe (dog), Hurren (dog) and Jose (cat), all are rescued of the street.

Fernanda loves music, traveling through southern Chile and the world, and books specially of the Stephen King, stories and horror movies. She also collects different types of things your favorite band she even traveled in April 2018 to Mexico to attend a concert for them.

In the future she intend to do travel to different parts of world. Her dream is to know all capitals of the world (for the moment she only know Mexico City and Buenos Aires.) this his the reason for working on weekends.